Health is Wealth

Our bodies constantly amaze me. My body and own chemical experiment, like anyone’s, is constantly changing, being challenged, and we are learning how to best take care of ourselves in unknown and varying circumstances. As I reflect on the criticality of our interconnected awareness, I am truly grateful for my sense of awareness of how I feel, what my body needs, and am constantly amazed in it’s ability to push past what my mind might say is not possible, but then truly is. A few of my most humbling realizations: 

1. We trekked 250 miles in 18 days. Our packs weighed roughly 20 pounds on average. Despite people recommending them weighing 10-15% of your body weight, and our extremely minimal outfits and items (so we think), when you add it all together, it weights a lot! Then add food for our challenged diets that are vegetarian, and mine gluten free. We were aware of the criticality of being able to consume enough calories to make up for the 3,000-4,000 we burned daily! Through hills, paved roads, ambiguous forests, and beaches alike, the coastal Camino del Norte provided challenges, and my body was put to a physical test. Though not always easy, we made it.

2. I thought I would be insanely out of running shape after giving it up for 3 weeks, and I wasn’t. What a pleasant surprise! All of the Camino trekking and hard work my body was undergoing was unbeknownst to me supporting my passion for running. The sound of 6k to the next village as a recommendation from our amazing Couchsurfing guy seemed daunting, but I was able to do it yesterday, and again today. I feel strong. And in different ways. It may not be a typical gym workout, but it’s how I am needing my body to perform and function for my reality. 

3. I am hesitant to blame the water, the heat, the trek, or anything, but wow the real ness of a stomach bug is completely dehibilitating and I am elated to be able to eat without fear currently. I  hesitate to even address this as I am still nervous something bad will happen again to my stomach, but it is expected, normal, and part of the travel experience for any duration that something is bound to go wrong. I am grateful though completely challenged as it struck on the Camino, I was in good company, was able to muster through the days, sleep all afternoon and evening, and get back to it after ample rest and electrolytes. The last 3 days I have finally felt reasonable. I am so grateful for this health as I help take care of my best who is now experiencing similar ailments and illness as I did. Thank goodness for each other! 

4. Veggies are always going to make me happy. A fresh salad, with toppings and salt, or a sautéed dish over rice and quinoa seem so simple in the states, but not always easy to find here! I have been so grateful for the times especially we have been able to cook and prepare amazing dishes for ourselves. Fueling our bodies as we need, with some reasonable exceptions such as my enjoyable random fro-yo or gelato, is critical in my body recovering and performing the way I am demanding! Fortunately, shopping in local markets and stores is also economical which we are also all for given our current pause on employment. 

5. It’s all interconnected. When distrubred physicially, spiritually, or emotionally, your being, your balance, your true self is off. You cannot feel quite right. That’s okay - address it. Face your reality and be okay with whatever that may be. Stay true to yourself and how you feel. No one else can be in your body and experiencing anything you are. Listen. Stay in tuned. And love how amazing it truly is. 

Until next time! Be kind to yourself. It truly is remarkable what our bodies are capable of. I am blessed to continue putting it to the test while I can. Each day is truly a gift we must make the most of. 

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