We Arrived in Paris - And It’s Just the Beginning

Leaving a place for such a long time is an odd feeling, and knowing on return so much will have changed, yet so much will likely remain the same. The whirlwind of planning, the reality of making this happen, integration of my experiences in business psychology graduate studies, volunteerism, desire to learn more of cultures and people, tech nerd, and passion for living is all aligning and the various emotions are often overwhelming. But, as the travels continue, some routines are formed, yet the various ambiguous adventures await, I will have plenty to share. 

A few thoughts as we settled in from our red eye, not sleeping barely on the flight, and having insomnia and a bit of anxiety last night until about 3 a.m... 

1. This is really happening. 

The planning, energy, mental, physical, and spiritual preparation is now in full execution mode. There are still variable and some room to change the rough plan that continues to solidify, but the journey truly has begun. I will not be on U.S. soil again for over 4 months. There will be new routines, new challenges, new inspiration, new desires, new perspectives, and anything our minds are open to receive. The unknown and known will combine to be a beautiful force of what the universe is aligning and what higher powers have planned. It may not always make sense, but this is where I am meant to be, at this moment in my life. 

2. Thank goodness we have some strong connectivity points. 

I cannot count how many times I probably used to check my phone randomly between meetings, walking to the parking garage, or around various activities. Our devices, as my 92 year old grandpa calls them, are truly a lifeline. Though I did not opt into an extensive cell coverage plan while traveling, the ability to use WiFi and a multitude of apps is remarkable. We have already met so many people who are recommending various apps that help find cheap tickets, transportations, renting bikes, making our way through the metro, or going on various walking tours for free courtesy of a quick download. The maps are my favorite download so far which you can do via offline usage through the map.me app. The options really are overwhelming for what the best ones to use may really be, and they seem to vary so much by city! The ability for us to have at least some technology at our fingertips continued to enhance our experiences, though i wonder the differentiating factors of some of the apps. I hope to continue to explore this. 

3. A solo room or sleeping pills may have been smart for night #1. 

I love meeting new people, hostels, and sleep. However, despite locking new people, cultures, and thriving on the random coincidences through travel with fellow young explorers, I would have loved a better ability to sleep without interruption for the first night after extensive travel and lack thereof on the red eye. With that being said, I finally slept from about 3am-8am today, and am happy to be exploring and indulging in some seriously strong coffee. 

4. Working out will inevitably be a priority still. 

Our backpacks weigh 28 pounds. That’s pretty heavy. Too heavy for some of our trekking we have planning in Spain and onward. However, enjoying some scenic running, biking, walking (with and without the pack), and various HIIT workouts will remain important for balancing normalcy and centerdness. There is something very important about some of these small routines that support the alignment of health for mind, body, and soul. 

-Au revoir 

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