Different, Yet the Same
Dirt roads, extreme divots, bodies bouncing into each other in cars and buses. Limitless hearts and souls continue to collide.
Broken shacks and concrete structures, electric wires in a tangled mess. Visible smiles shattering any assumed barriers.
The stares proceed with our yellow hair and English language. But the kids especially so warm and anxious to help learn more from us and play.
Mass crowds pushing and weaving through the maddening traffic and honking horns, hesitant darting across the roads. Risk and leaps of faith for us and our hosts to be here in Kathmandu.
Wear the mask for Nepali powder, smells of burning trash and smog of pollution. But enter the home and aromas of fresh cooking and spices to satisfy all.
One language to support all our extremes, transcend all cultural differences or misunderstandings - we have love.
Fear overcome, initial shock negated, now adjusting, adapting, immersing, and loving.
All so different yet so much the same.
What a beautiful place to be.